City of Ale Collaboration Charity Beer

On the 30th April 2015 brewers from Golden Triangle (Kevin), Grain (Phil), Humpty Dumpty (Ian and Tom), Panther (Martin) and S&P (Andy and Tom) all descended upon Grain Breweries site in order to brew a collaboration beer.
The reason for this? It is this year the fifth year of the Norwich City of Ale Festival and it was decided that five breweries would get together to brew a special beer using five different types of grain (all very kindly donated by Crisps Maltings) and five different types of hop and that this beer would be sold around the pubs in Norwich over the festival with 50 pence per pint to go to charity – The Hamlet Center Trust in Norwich, which supports children and young adults with disabilities. The beer has been given the name Wymer’s Gold, selected by a panel of judges following a competition. It was chosen in recognition of trust founders Jack and Margaret Wymer.
Also along for the brew were Caz Jones (city of ale banner designer), who brought along the pumpclip which she had designed and Pauline Morgan, CEO of the Hamlet Centre Trust.
Here’s the film report from Mustard TV.

Golden Triangle Brewery
Grain Brewery
Panther Brewery
S&P Brewery
City of Ale
Hamlet Center Trust
Crisp Malting


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